History of Prince of Peace

The planting of Prince of Peace represents a partnership between the churches of Circuit 17 and our South Wisconsin District. Under the leadership of Circuit Counselor, Rev. John Wille, and District Mission Executive, Rev. Earl Bleke, the District Mission Board made the decision in 1997 to plant an LCMS congregation in West Salem. Pastor Mike Hylton accepted the call to represent the District as a Missionary-at-large and began work in West Salem in the summer of 1997.
With the assistance of Harvesters for Christ Loren & Marge Rehmer and Tom & Dot Ruby, Pastor Mike began a door-to-door search for people who had no church home. A small group began meeting for Bible study in the Hylton residence. With the help of sister congregations, this core group conducted a telephone blitz of the area.
Prince of Peace conducted its first public worship service on January 18, 1998, at the West Salem Elementary School. On December 13 of the same year, the mission was chartered as a member congregation of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod. The voters elected to call the church planter, Pastor Mike Hylton, as their first pastor.
The congregation continued holding services at the Elementary School for the next four years. Prince of Peace also used homes, parks, restaurants, schools, motels, businesses and libraries for ministry activities. Several funerals were conducted in borrowed churches, weddings were held in parks and a baptism even took place next to a barn!
With the help of the Lutheran Church Extension Fund, 12 acres of land were purchased in 1999 and a building program was launched in the Fall of 2000. Construction was begun in July of 2001. The church was built by a team of Laborers for Christ with the assistance of member volunteers and area subcontractors. The church was completed in early January, with the first worship service held on January 20, 2002. It was dedicated as our “disciple-making community center” on February 10, 2002.
Pastor Hylton resigned from ministry in June, 2009. On March 14, 2010 Prince of Peace Installed and welcomed Rev. Jason Schockman as our new pastor. Pastor Schockman moved to the Coulee Region from Janesville, WI.
In May of 2021 Pastor Schockman accepted the Divine Call to serve another congregation. Still the Word of God is heard and the Lord of the Church continues to build His kingdom in this place.
Pastor Peter Adelsen accepted the call from Prince of Peace and was installed on August 7, 2022.
With the assistance of Harvesters for Christ Loren & Marge Rehmer and Tom & Dot Ruby, Pastor Mike began a door-to-door search for people who had no church home. A small group began meeting for Bible study in the Hylton residence. With the help of sister congregations, this core group conducted a telephone blitz of the area.
Prince of Peace conducted its first public worship service on January 18, 1998, at the West Salem Elementary School. On December 13 of the same year, the mission was chartered as a member congregation of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod. The voters elected to call the church planter, Pastor Mike Hylton, as their first pastor.
The congregation continued holding services at the Elementary School for the next four years. Prince of Peace also used homes, parks, restaurants, schools, motels, businesses and libraries for ministry activities. Several funerals were conducted in borrowed churches, weddings were held in parks and a baptism even took place next to a barn!
With the help of the Lutheran Church Extension Fund, 12 acres of land were purchased in 1999 and a building program was launched in the Fall of 2000. Construction was begun in July of 2001. The church was built by a team of Laborers for Christ with the assistance of member volunteers and area subcontractors. The church was completed in early January, with the first worship service held on January 20, 2002. It was dedicated as our “disciple-making community center” on February 10, 2002.
Pastor Hylton resigned from ministry in June, 2009. On March 14, 2010 Prince of Peace Installed and welcomed Rev. Jason Schockman as our new pastor. Pastor Schockman moved to the Coulee Region from Janesville, WI.
In May of 2021 Pastor Schockman accepted the Divine Call to serve another congregation. Still the Word of God is heard and the Lord of the Church continues to build His kingdom in this place.
Pastor Peter Adelsen accepted the call from Prince of Peace and was installed on August 7, 2022.